We perform structural analysis for various offshore, marine and onshore steel structures to develop economical and efficient designs for our clients. Requirements for structural analysis arise in various engineering problems associated over the life of assets including fabrication, transportation, lifting, loadout, installation, inplace operations, modifications, conversions, upgrades, life extension, decommissioning etc. Various global or local finite element models are developed in these projects to accurately simulate the linear/non-linear structural responses under complex loading conditions. We have expertise in using various industry standard software as below for structural analysis based on client requirements,
We perform various global or local structural analysis associated with fixed, floating or mobile offshore units like Offshore jackets, FSO/FPSO/FSRUs, Semisubmersible platforms, Liftboats, MODUs, Subsea structures etc.
We perform various global or local structural analysis associated with ships, buoys, jetties, floating docks, mooring systems, modules, foundations, lifting systems, handling systems, helidecks etc.
TWe undertake structural analysis and assessment of a wide variety of onshore steel structures including towers, platforms, sheds, lifting pad-eyes, spreader beams etc. backed by analysis software and team of structural engineers well versed in various international standards and codes.
We have extensive experience in design and analysis of Offshore containers, Baskets, Skips, Skids, e-Houses complying with various industrial standards as BS EN 12079, DNVGL-ST-E271 etc. as per client requirements