Aries, with its strong engineering background on successfully executing scrubber installation jobs, helps the ship owner in Feasibility analysis, 3D laser scanning, Detailed design engineering, pre-fabrication and installation supervision of exhaust gas scrubber

Exhaust gas scrubber Exhaust gas scrubber

Emissions from vessels that involve Sulphur compounds is regulated by MARPOL Annex VI. As per the rule, IMO has regulated the maximum allowable Sulphur content in marine fuels. Using low Sulphur content fuel is one option to comply with then requirements of MARPOL Annex VI. Another alternative, which emerged as an economical option is to fix an exhaust gas scrubber. This allows the ship owner to use higher Sulphur content fuels, with the scrubber filtering out the rest of the Sulphur oxides (SOX) thereby the emissions to atmosphere are kept within the limits allowed by IMO.

Aries undertake detailed feasibility study for selection of equipment based on type of vessel/operation requirement which includes study on the integration and modification in the existing piping system, electrical power calculations, automation/instrumentation, installation requirements and a preliminary material take-off for the modification.

  • Equipment selection and system integration
  • Electrical load analysis and power system distribution
  • Preliminary layout of equipment and pipes
  • Preliminary bill of material

Aries has many years of experience in providing 3D scanning services to the industry. 3D scanning of relevant areas enables the client to keep this required information ready for quick take-off as soon as a final decision on installation of the system is taken. Aries uses an advanced laser 3D Scanner for generating the As Built data. All necessary areas will be scanned by the 3D laser scanner and the generated point cloud will be used to evaluate and verify the different installation layouts. When the equipment to be installed is finalized by the Ship owner, the engineering studies, calculations and drawings for the selected system is carried out. Based on available documentation, drawings and onboard survey results a complete proposal with all required class drawings including,

  • Engineering Plans
  • Structural Drawings
  • Schematic and P&IDs
  • Electrical SLDs

Our detail engineering includes the preparation of detailed 3D model, extraction of fabrication drawings from the 3D model generated, detailed engineering drawings, 3D design model, detail design calculations etc. Proper optimization considerations at engineering phase reduces the overall cost.

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